What Message Are You Sending To Your Body?
by Sylvie Olivier
The Uniqueness of each body
Every person on this Earth is unique. As we interact with each other, we become aware of this uniqueness and begin to notice all our differences, including our physical differences. Different-colored eyes, different hair, different skin, different eye shapes… the list goes on and on. We begin to notice the characteristics that differentiate us from each other and compare ourselves by judging the beauty of our bodies.
It’s an interesting cycle, isn’t it? By sending the Universe the vibrational message that our bodies are not adequate and not beautiful enough, we are telling the Universe that we don’t like our physical body and that it should be different. Then the Universe, in its great neutrality, will get your message: “I don’t like my body” and expand it.
The Universe is neutral and impersonal
The Universe is neutral and doesn’t judge your message as “good” or “bad”; it doesn’t bend to the concept of positive or negative. It will not try to suggest that you send another signal through your message; it will be true to itself and expand what you feel and think, in an impersonal way. It can only act through its deepest nature.
The Universe is Pure Love, and it will give you all the co-creative power available to fully experience expansion. This will give you even more reasons to say “I don’t like my body”. Ironically, we get angry with the Universe because we think it’s not listening to us… Yet everything in our lives is a manifestation that we have co-created.
We are not victims of circumstances, people or the Universe… we are co-creators, side by side with the Universe. We co-create with our vibrational signal, which becomes an invitation to manifest even more of what vibrates within us.
As long as we are dissatisfied and compare our body to that of others, it receives signals of judgment. Since the vibration of judgment is heavy, it lowers the vibrational frequencies of the body. It becomes captive to this heaviness and protects itself. It perpetuates an endless cycle of judgment, shame, guilt and powerlessness.
I’d like to suggest another way… another way of living with your body.
Embracing your body as it is
There’s a difference between “accepting” and “welcoming”. When we accept a situation, there’s an element of resignation. In this example, part of us thinks we have to come to terms with the idea of accepting our body as it is, even if it’s not as “perfect” as we’d like it to be… as if we had no choice.
Acceptance is a beautiful step. There’s more energy in quantity and quality than when we feel judgment, shame, powerlessness and the like.
From Acceptance To Embracing
To embrace is to be totally open to what is, without any resistance, without any desire for the situation to be different.
To embrace is to live in complete freedom.
Initially, by accepting your physical body as it is right now, with all its curves, bumps, plains and valleys, you begin to recognize the sublime creation that you are!
Continue to let those layers of judgment fall away and dissolve, stop holding on to any form of resistance… and then, you’ll begin to embrace the complete and perfect being, just as you already are! Rest assured, an exercise will be offered towards the end of this article. ☺
Your body is the receptacle for the thoughts and emotions that circulate within you. It interacts with them constantly and neutralizes their effects. That said, there comes a time when the body goes into overwhelm. It no longer has the capacity to receive and process the overflow from inner conflicts, unresolved stories and the ever-increasing emotional load.
The first step is to recognize the situation as it is, without judgment… and if you realize that you are in judgment, all is well… don’t judge the judgment. Just let it be. Make peace with your experience.
The vibrations of the Qualities of the Heart, like Peace for example, are so high that they are the best INGREDIENT to nourish the physical body.
For example, when we feel Love or Joy, the air molecules we breathe tune to these vibrations, as do the drinks and food we consume.
EVERYTHING in the Universe, including our bodies, vibrates.
Our body vibrates in unison with all these Qualities of the Heart, which form what I call the Plenitude Effect:
HARMONY: Love – Joy – Peace
VITALITY: Appreciation – Courage – Lightness
PROSPERITY: Compassion – Wonder – Care
The food we eat is made up of molecules. The molecules of the Qualities of the Heart envelop and infuse those of the food and harmonize them. Our bodies then vibrate at a higher frequency!
Vibratory Scan
You’ve probably already felt one or more of the vibrations of the Qualities of the Heart mentioned above…
How did they manifest themselves?
- Tingling
- Sparkling
- Warmth
- Champagne bubbles
- Electric currents
- Solidity
- Peace
- Or other
Do you feel them more in a particular place on your body?
- At the head
- At your hairline
- In the heart area
- To your fingertips
- To the tips of your toes
- Or anywhere else
Our body is miraculous… it continues to love us and offer us its presence, no matter what we do.
Even through disharmony, discomfort or illness, it supports us and offers its assistance in the form of sensations. It guides us, step by step… However, it’s very important to realize that we are not our body, just as we are not our mind.
As an Essence, we have a body and we have a mind. Our role is simply to harmonize our relationship to body and mind with our heart.
Our heart is the conductor of excellence for creating a marvelous symphony of clarity, fluidity and harmony with both our physical body and our mind.
Suggested Exercice - Depth of Gaze
To assist you in making the transition from acceptance to embracing, we suggest a simple and effective exercise.
- Sit in front of a mirror so you can see your face clearly.
- Close your eyes.
- Inhale deeply through your nose.
- Exhale through your mouth, like a heavy sigh.
- Repeat 3 to 5 times.
- Open your eyes.
- Look at the different parts of your face: forehead, eyes, cheeks, nose,
- mouth and chin.
- Give yourself permission to feel what’s there.
- Close your eyes again.
- Take 3 to 5 deep breaths.
- Open your eyes.
- Look into your own eyes.
- Let your gaze go deep.
- Meet yourself in the depths of your being.
- Welcome the unique being you are.
- Thank your body for allowing you to go about your business.
- Embrace your physical body, just as it is.
- There you go… ☺
I invite you to practice this exercise a few times a week. It will assist you in Making Peace and Being at Peace with your body AND embracing it in all its beauty!
The message you send to your body will be one of Lightness, and it will bear witness to the Appreciation you feel for your body, however small.
And with time, you’ll feel more and more the Qualities of the Heart at work in your daily life, which will have an impact not only on your physical body, but on your entire lifestyle.
Let’s celebrate and honor our physical body!