Over the years, we’ve provided assistance to a wide range of people, regardless of their status: individuals, employees, entrepreneurs, healthcare professionals, business leaders and even entire companies.
Specific themes have been introduced to deepen the harmonization of head and heart, and ultimately to live from the heart. You’ll discover them through the services offered on this page.
Enjoy your discovery!
Sylvie & Bernard

The Virtual CenterFREE RESOURCES!!!UNIVERSE-CITY OF THE HEARTTHE JOURNEY HEAD TO HEARTGHW Webinars 2025By creating an account on the GHW website, you can access the Client Area, which contains a wealth of free resources.Breathing techniques;Meditation;Harmonization;And more!Below, and in the Virtual Center section of the Boutique, you'll find resources available online.Starting 2025, the Virtual Center Membership offers you The Universe-City of the Heart, where you’ll be assisted, through group calls, exercises and experiences, in realizing that Abundance is YOUR Birthright in all areas of your life, via a brand new financial system, namely Prosperitism.When you sign up for this magnificent journey, you'll discover a little more each day what the famous Journey from Head to Heart is all about!

When you sign up for this journey, you'll receive 30 emails, and, depending on your choice, you'll receive them either every day (30 days), every 2 days (60 days) or every 3 days (90 days).

The emails include an introduction on a topic related to the Journey from Head to Heart, an exercise and a resource to assist you in your discovery of the day.
GHW Webinars offer a platform for sharing and exchanging, in order to open our consciousness beyond the familiar habits that keep us in an endless circle of limits, judgments and control.

Each of these Webinars will feature information and assistance from Sylvie, who will answer any questions you may have on the topics addressed.

heart-of-the-sunSince Plenitude is made up of 9 distinct Qualities of the Heart, including Love, it fills us from within and metamorphoses our reality! If I could convey to you all the beauty of what I see as I write these words, I would be so honored and filled with joy! In fact, this Love IS the source of ALL that exists!Money is such a difficult subject for most people to talk about…as a society, we’ve assigned it all sorts of roles, and most importantly, we’ve put our security in its hands. So it’s not surprising that in this time of economic uncertainty, financial insecurity is on the rise. If you’ve read any of my articles, you’ll know that I always invite you to dive into neutrality instead of staying trapped in duality. First, let’s explore together the various elements that filter the reality in which we evolve.The Heart of the Sun is vibrant, warm, full, inspiring, overflowing with all the resources required for Life on Earth. The Heart of the Sun emanates from each of its rays, making them luminous and warm, and filling them with the resources required to accomplish our life projects, whether personal or professional.Demystifying LoveMoney Harmonization: The New Financial ParadigmThe Heart of the Sun and its raysSEE ALL ARTICLESARTICLES
by Sylvie Olivier

The Golden Heart Wisdom Center - also known as the GHW Center - is a place of rejuvenation that offers various services to assist you in dissolving old memories, patterns and beliefs, as well as welcoming back the essence of the ultimate lifestyle, at the heart of Neutrality.The Center in Terrebonne is private and by invitation only.

You can receive private and group assistance, in person, in a cozy, comfortable spa atmosphere.

Webinar: The Hormones Universe-City of the HeartFebruary 26 at 1 pm (ET)February 20 at 1 pm (ET)Most of the women we come into contact with share that they are slightly to heavily affected by fluctuating hormones.

But what if it could be different? What if you had the opportunity to transcend the effects of hormones and connect to their primary essence, which is to connect us to the Essence of who we really are? What would you say?

Join us for 1 hour of clarity, fluidity and “hormonal” lightness!!! 🙂
Find out about GHW activities and events.Our second group call will take place on February 20, at 1pm (ET).!

“The Universe-City of the Heart” is Golden Heart Wisdom’s 2025 Virtual Center Membership. This membership invites you to receive year-round assistance in realizing that Abundance is YOUR Birthright in all areas of your life.

This assistance is offered through group calls, exercises and group experiences.

Available soon

FREE RESOURCES!!!UNIVERSE-CITY OF THE HEARTTHE JOURNEY HEAD TO HEARTGHW Webinars 2025By creating an account on the GHW website, you can access the Client Area, which contains a wealth of free resources.Breathing techniques;Meditation;Harmonization;And more!Below, and in the Virtual Center section of the Boutique, you'll find resources available online.When you sign up for this magnificent journey, you'll discover a little more each day what the famous Journey from Head to Heart is all about!

When you sign up for this journey, you'll receive 30 emails, and, depending on your choice, you'll receive them either every day (30 days), every 2 days (60 days) or every 3 days (90 days).

The emails include an introduction on a topic related to the Journey from Head to Heart, an exercise and a resource to assist you in your discovery of the day.
Starting 2025, the Virtual Center Membership offers you The Universe-City of the Heart, where you’ll be assisted, through group calls, exercises and experiences, in realizing that Abundance is YOUR Birthright in all areas of your life, via a brand new financial system, namely Prosperitism.GHW Webinars offer a platform for sharing and exchanging, in order to open our consciousness beyond the familiar habits that keep us in an endless circle of limits, judgments and control. Each of these Webinars will feature information and assistance from Sylvie, who will answer any questions you may have on the topics addressed.VISIT THE BOUTIQUECREATE AN ACCOUNTDISCOVERDISCOVERPARTICIPATEThe Virtual Center

heart-of-the-sunSince Plenitude is made up of 9 distinct Qualities of the Heart, including Love, it fills us from within and metamorphoses our reality! If I could convey to you all the beauty of what I see as I write these words, I would be so honored and filled with joy! In fact, this Love IS the source of ALL that exists!Money is such a difficult subject for most people to talk about…as a society, we’ve assigned it all sorts of roles, and most importantly, we’ve put our security in its hands. So it’s not surprising that in this time of economic uncertainty, financial insecurity is on the rise. If you’ve read any of my articles, you’ll know that I always invite you to dive into neutrality instead of staying trapped in duality. First, let’s explore together the various elements that filter the reality in which we evolve.The Heart of the Sun is vibrant, warm, full, inspiring, overflowing with all the resources required for Life on Earth. The Heart of the Sun emanates from each of its rays, making them luminous and warm, and filling them with the resources required to accomplish our life projects, whether personal or professional.Demystifying LoveMoney Harmonization: The New Financial ParadigmThe Heart of the Sun and its raysREAD MOREREAD MOREREAD MORESEE ALL ARTICLESARTICLES
by Sylvie Olivier

The Golden Heart Wisdom Center
- also known as the GHW Center -
is a place of rejuvenation that offers various services to assist you in dissolving old memories, patterns and beliefs, as well as welcoming back the essence of the ultimate lifestyle, at the heart of Neutrality.
The Center in Terrebonne is private and
by invitation only.
You can receive private and group assistance,
in person, in a cozy, comfortable spa atmosphere.

Coming soon at GHWFind out about GHW activities and events.Webinar: The Hormones Universe-City of the HeartFebruary 26 at 1 pm (ET)February 20 at 1 pm (ET)Our second group call will take place on February 20 at 1pm!“The Universe-City of the Heart” is Golden Heart Wisdom’s 2025 Virtual Center Membership. This membership invites you to receive year-round assistance in realizing that Abundance is YOUR Birthright in all areas of your life.

This assistance is offered through group calls, exercises and group experiences.
LEARN MOREMost of the women we come into contact with share that they are slightly to heavily affected by fluctuating hormones.

But what if it could be different? What if you had the opportunity to transcend the effects of hormones and connect to their primary essence, which is to connect us to the Essence of who we really are? What would you say?

Join us for 1 hour of clarity, fluidity and “hormonal” lightness!!! 🙂

Available soon
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