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Furthermore, unlike the brain neurons of the head, which are polarized by the right and left hemispheres, the neurons of the heart are completely neutral; that is, they are completely free of all judgments, beliefs, patterns, programming and preconceived ideas.
The heart neurons are therefore much freer to receive and transmit the myriad of information (visible and invisible) flowing through a human being’s inner and outer environments.

This is what science calls the intelligence of the heart.

The HeartMath Institute, of which Sylvie Olivier is certified, has demonstrated that connecting to the heart’s intelligence and feeling it through the expansion of the heart can promote cardiac coherence in a person’s daily life. This cardiac coherence in turn allows for the natural harmonization between the heart and the head, which provides a permanent feeling of global well-being, as well as optimal performance in all spheres of life.

This is because the harmonization between the heart and the head actually allows access to Gamma brain waves. Gamma waves are brain waves that vibrate at a very high frequency. This is why they are only accessible through the heart’s FEELINGS AND SENSATIONS. Research shows that when we access Gamma waves, we automatically experience a state of peak performance: increased memory, increased sensory perception, increased concentration, creativity and efficiency of the head’s brain, the experience of compassion and gratitude through all activities, as well as the natural feeling of being happier, calmer and more at peace.

So the heart’s brain and the head’s brain are designed to work together.

That being said, most of us have grown up in a world whose structures have only favored the logical, concrete, and polarized thinking of the head brain, and completely denied the connectedness and power of heart neutrality.

So how about reconnecting with the complete human that you are and accessing your full potential by aligning your heart and head with one another?

Here are some videos from the HeartMath Institute






HeartMath tools offered by Golden Heart Wisdom

Certification'S Sylvie

Sylvie Olivier became a HeartMath® Certified Mentor in 2018 which allows her to use the HeartMath System including the complete range of HeartMath tools and techniques along with the research, concepts, and theories that support these techniques and HeartMath’s award-winning emWave® and Inner Balance™ coherence building technology. The Building Personal Resilience™ program is a powerful addition to her practice as it combines science and conscience. Sylvie is absolutely thrilled to be able to share resources provided by the science community which clearly demonstrates what she’s intuitively known for years!

She then became a HeartMath® Certified Trainer in 2019 which allows her to use HeartMath’s tools within GHW’s various programs as well as organize high level workshops on resilience, called the Resilience Advantage™”.  These tools and workshops are used widespread by a large network of hospitals worldwide as well as Fortune 500 companies, the US Navy and the United States.

Thanks to research, simple tools, technologies and an inspiration filled with compassion, the “Resilience Advantage™” workshop teaches daily practices that augment our life experience by integrating the Heart Qualities that are courage, gratitude, dignity, and care.

These tools assist with the integration of a feeling of Plenitude allowing for optimal performance.

To read Sylvie’s bio, please click HERE.

HeartMath tools offered by Golden Heart Wisdom

Sylvie Olivier became a HeartMath® Certified Mentor in 2018 which allows her to use the HeartMath System including the complete range of HeartMath tools and techniques along with the research, concepts, and theories that support these techniques and HeartMath’s award-winning emWave® and Inner Balance™ coherence building technology. The Building Personal Resilience™ program is a powerful addition to her practice as it combines science and conscience. Sylvie is absolutely thrilled to be able to share resources provided by the science community which clearly demonstrates what she’s intuitively known for years!

She then became a HeartMath® Certified Trainer in 2019 which allows her to use HeartMath’s tools within GHW’s various programs as well as organize high level workshops on resilience, called the Resilience Advantage™”.  These tools and workshops are used widespread by a large network of hospitals worldwide as well as Fortune 500 companies, the US Navy and the United States.

Thanks to research, simple tools, technologies and an inspiration filled with compassion, the “Resilience Advantage™” workshop teaches daily practices that augment our life experience by integrating the Heart Qualities that are courage, gratitude, dignity, and care.

These tools assist with the integration of a feeling of Plenitude allowing for optimal performance.

To read Sylvie’s bio, please click HERE.

The Resilience Advantage™

Resilience skills for clear choices, optimal function and innovative action.

Based on more than 25 years of HeartMath’s published, peer-reviewed research on the science of resilience, The Resilience Advantage™ program provides a powerful skillset and engaging technology to prepare you to thrive in a world of flux, challenge and opportunity. This best-in-class program is used by the US Navy, hospital systems and Fortune 500 companies worldwide.

At Golden Heart Wisdom, we are always exploring and creating programs that are adapted to meet either your entrepreneurial or personal “goals” and will include in-person, online, private or group mentoring. We’ve already begun integrated some of the Resilience Advantage™ tools with our existing clients and have seen very expansive outcomes!

Should you have any questions or wish to learn more about these private and group programs, we invite you to contact us at

What is the HeartMath Institute?

HeartMath was born out of a deep sense of caring for people and our planet. Founded in 1991 by Doc Childre, HeartMath has developed a system of effective, scientifically-based tools and technologies to bridge the intuitive connection between heart and mind and deepen our connection with the hearts of others.

The HeartMath system empowers people to self-regulate their emotions and behaviors to reduce stress, increase resilience, and unlock their natural intuitive guidance for making more effective choices. This enables people to break through to greater levels of personal balance, creativity, insight and health. Over 300 peer-reviewed or independent studies utilizing HeartMath techniques or technologies to achieve beneficial outcomes have been published.

We invite you to view the presentation below to learn more about the HeartMath Institute. Take a look at the attached presentation to get a better idea of the HeartMath Institute.


What is the HeartMath Institute?

HeartMath was born out of a deep sense of caring for people and our planet. Founded in 1991 by Doc Childre, HeartMath has developed a system of effective, scientifically-based tools and technologies to bridge the intuitive connection between heart and mind and deepen our connection with the hearts of others.

The HeartMath system empowers people to self-regulate their emotions and behaviors to reduce stress, increase resilience, and unlock their natural intuitive guidance for making more effective choices. This enables people to break through to greater levels of personal balance, creativity, insight and health. Over 300 peer-reviewed or independent studies utilizing HeartMath techniques or technologies to achieve beneficial outcomes have been published.

We invite you to view the presentation below to learn more about the HeartMath Institute. Take a look at the attached presentation to get a better idea of the HeartMath Institute.


Bio-Well Technology

Sylvie has been a certified Bio-Well advanced specialist since 2020. Bio-Well is a technology that allows you to quickly obtain photographs (scans) of the human energy or, if you prefer, of a person’s vibrational signal.

The image generated by the Bio-Well device is based on the concept of acupuncture points and has been tested by hundreds of doctors and medical researchers and their thousands of patients.

The Bio-Well tools were designed by an International team led by Dr. Konstantin KOROTKOV and enabled a very powerful technique known as Electro-Photonic Imaging or Gas Discharge Visualization (EPI/GDV) to be brought to the market in a more accessible way than ever before.

The EPI/GDV technique is the computerized recording and analysis of electro-photonic emissions from various objects, including biological ones (specifically human fingers) resulting from the placement of the object in a high intensity electromagnetic field.

When a photograph (a scan) is taken, a weak electric current is applied to the fingertips for less than a thousandth of a second. In response to this stimulus, the fingertips emit electrons, which are stimulated by air molecules that collide.

These molecules create the gas discharge or radiation. This radiation is captured by the camera and is then translated and retransmitted by the Bio-Well software in the form of images to show energy, stress and vitality ratings. Each image has a wealth of information that allows you to have a totally holistic vision of one’ s state of well-being.

Since 2021, Sylvie and Bernard have been integrating Bio-Well’s tools into their Private Mentoring Programs and Cocooning Packages offered at the Golden Heart Wisdom Center.

If you are ready to go a little further than science and explore the bridge between the head and the heart, we invite you to explore the Vibrational Signall.

And if you feel ready to go beyond science, to move from heart intelligence to heart consciousness, we invite you to explore the Plenitude Effect.

Questions or concerns? We invite you to contact us at

Also, we invite you to sign up for our newsletter to receive the latest news,
activities, events, and resources offered by Golden Heart Wisdom.

HeartMath is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech, Inc. For all HeartMath trademarks, visit

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