Have you noticed the emergence of a new planetary energy…one specifically directed towards men who are ready to welcome a new type of lifestyle based on authenticity, harmony, tenderness and heart intimacy.
During the Unveiling of the Divine Masculine Retreat, we had the honor of assisting some amazing men who made some major realizations that quite literally metamorphosed not only their lives, but that of their spouses, family and everyone whom they come into contact with on a daily basis.
Thanks to their openness, courage and willingness to say YES to the unknown, they uncovered newfound resources, which until then had remained invisible to them. They welcomed the tenderness that lay within them and experienced welcoming money as they would their very best friend! Such a subtle yet magnificently powerful metamorphosis!
How many of you have ever taken the time to ask the following questions:
- How do I feel about my best friend?
- If money was my best friend, would I treat it differently?
When we asked the group of men the first question, they talked about respect, integrity, always being able to rely on each other, judgment free, unconditional acceptance, great camaraderie with one another and so on and so forth.
So, when we invited them to apply those same qualities to money, they laughed out loud! The realization that they had not only neglected their relationship with money but also, to a certain point, they’d mistreated and abused it.
When you consider that money comes directly from the fabric of Pure Love from which we’re all made of, our vision shifts…By broadening our scope of vision by a single degree, we gain access to a whole other reality…a reality that is much more aligned with our Essence. In fact, money is a by-product of love and it presents itself to us in the form of units of Pure Love.
Ever notice how the more we try to control money, manipulate it our restrict it, the more fleeting it becomes? What if a new path to prosperity was available?
And you guessed it…you don’t have to be a man to have fun with money! Women are just as welcome… J
In conclusion, we invite you to modify your relationship with money by asking yourself the aforementioned questions and welcome money into your life like you would your very best friend!
And then, watch the opportunities for abundance multiply themselves in your life!!!
With love,
Sylvie Olivier
MONEY is my best friend and is ALWAYS there for me! Sorry for the ways I’ve seen it as limited or “not enough.” I now remember that I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS have all I need, and I choose to see it this way.
I can have a lot more fun knowing money is always here for me, as I welcome in a new level of prosperity!
You’re so very welcome Kim! We’ve been raised to believe in the separation between money AND everything else… and we’ve also been told that money wouldn’t replace love! Of course, it cannot replace it…in fact, money is a by-product of Pure Love Within!
Cheers to your new level of prosperity! xoxo