
Money Harmonization: The New Financial Paradigm

Money is such a difficult subject for most people to talk about…as a society, we’ve assigned it all sorts of roles, and most importantly, we’ve put our security in its hands. So it’s not surprising that in this time of economic uncertainty, financial insecurity is on the rise. If you’ve read any of my articles, you’ll know that I always invite you to dive into neutrality instead of staying trapped in duality. First, let’s explore together the various elements that filter the reality in which we evolve.

Money Harmonization: The New Financial Paradigm LIRE PLUS

Inhabit your space or make a place for yourself?

Inhabiting your space or making a place for yourself may seem synonymous. However,they are quite different! We’ve probably all been advised to make a place for ourselves, to impose our limits, to put our foot down with the belief that we’d somehow command respect. Yet even if we follow all this advice, have you noticed that we always have to start all over again? And that no matter how hard we try to impose our limits, we still regularly feel like we’re being stepped on?

Inhabit your space or make a place for yourself? LIRE PLUS

The Unending Quest for Perfection

Ahhhh PERFECTION!!! Oh, how we seek it and desperately want to feel the gratifying state of being that comes with it, do we not? As exhilarating as it may be, this state of being is ephemeral. It needs to feed off of even more perfection to survive, so unbeknownst to us, we enter an endless cycle of wanting to perform, always more and more, to finally… FINALLY… feel that intoxicating sensation. And yet, this unending quest for perfection that the egoic structure has created ensnares us in its web where we become its prisoners. Every day we want more because we’ve become addicted to the rush of sensations, adrenaline, and energy that flows through us.

The Unending Quest for Perfection LIRE PLUS

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