The Plenitude of Today

by Sylvie Olivier

What a wonderful feeling it is to experience Plenitude on a daily basis! That said, many people feel that this feeling is not always easily accessible, and I agree.

I agree, because we’ve been programmed from an early age to focus on what’s missing, imperfect or unsatisfying in our lives. In doing so, we developed reflexes to counter what was not up to our expectations and those of the people around us.

For the longest time, I navigated this performance pattern, where the relentless quest for MORE was unattainable. I had to face many obstacles and difficulties to realize that EVERYTHING that was truly needed in my life was already present, and that by releasing the need to be more, to have more and to do more, I was entering into the magnificent vibration that is Plenitude.

And the most fascinating part of it all was that I suddenly began to feel more, have more opportunities and do much more with fewer resources.

Hmmmm…. Interesting, right?

Today, I invite you to take a journey with me… a journey filled with discovery and opportunity in all its simplicity.

But first, let’s take a trip down memory lane…

When you wake up each day, what happens?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed by all the tasks you have to do during the day?
  • Are you afraid of running out of time, energy, money or other resources?
  • Is there an underlying frustration that threatens to surface? Frustration that you’ll never get it all done, for example, or frustration that you won’t get the recognition you deserve.
  • Or do you get up in a hurry to get everything done before even beginning the day?

Ahhhh! Simply reading the 4 items above, I feel heaviness and contractions that want to creep into my body.

What about you? How do you really feel every day when you wake up?

Take a moment to settle down and really FEEL… I remember the period when I was so focused on survival that I didn’t even allow myself to feel what was going on inside me… it was always go, go, go until I was exhausted at night, followed by insomnia because I was so preoccupied!

In fact, it was a never-ending loop and I had no idea at the time how to get out of it… until I started listening to my heart, that wonderful heart that had always spoken to me, but which I had ignored during that tumultuous period of my life.

So I repeat my invitation to take a PAUSE so that you can FEEL, even if it scares you.

How do you really feel?

It doesn’t matter where you are on the intensity scale.

Do you play the “fake it until you make it” game? To pretend until it happens… I’ve also explored this approach. Let’s just say it wasn’t conclusive. It worked well for a while, or at least, I made myself believe it was working because it made me feel better for a short fleeting moment.

In short, the essence of my message here is to CLEARLY RECOGNIZE what’s really going on, without pretending, in all authenticity.

AND once you’ve done that, I invite you to BREATHE deeply with one hand on your belly and one hand on your heart, what I call wave breathing.

Exercise: Breathing Wave

  1. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose to your navel.
  2. Pause for 6 to 12 beats or seconds.
  3. Exhale slowly through the mouth.
  4. Repeat this cycle 5-10 times 3-4 times a day.

And there you have it… very simple and always accessible, this breathing will circulate the crystallized emotions in your nervous and glandular system in order to free you from them.

And what does today’s Plenitude have to do with it, you ask?

Well, when we start paying attention to even the tiniest detail we can appreciate, the vibration of Plenitude begins to kick in!

The Plenitude of Today

First of all, what is Plenitude?

According to the Larousse dictionary, the definition of Plenitude reads as follows:
“State of that which is at its highest degree of development, which is in all its power, intensity; wholeness.”

In a state of Plenitude, nothing can be lacking… everything is complete, whole and perfect. The more we bring our attention on Plenitude, the more Plenitude has the opportunity to reveal itself to us.

You see, Plenitude is a vibrational frequency, a bit like a radio frequency; all we have to do is tune in to it and we’re all set. I agree that it sounds simplistic and utopian… however, I’ve experienced it personally while living in constant chaos.

My daughter was in hospital with an illness so serious that she came within an inch of dying on two separate occasions. I was having trouble paying for groceries, I’d just separated from my husband, not by choice… well, you get the picture.

And every night before I went to bed, I’d light a candle and stare into the flame, feeling the light at the end of the tunnel. Intuitively, I knew that Life was much more than that, that I had to adjust, to align myself… to tune into another frequency.

And I did… I can’t say that my life changed overnight like a fairy tale, however, little by little, I began to feel that I could breathe, that things were starting to improve.

And today, I live this Plenitude on a daily basis, not because things are going badly, but rather because I so appreciate being alive, having the opportunity to get up every morning, to feel the Joy of moving my body, seeing the vibrant colors, hearing the sweet sound of Bernard’s voice, tasting the exquisite flavors of food, smelling the aromas surrounding me and the wind dancing on my face.

And these are just a few examples, of course!

What inspires me most is knowing that every day, I have the opportunity to start a new life and contribute through my unique gift, through who I am, to this magnificent Humanity that shines through its diversity.

An invitation for you

As a first step, I suggest you relax and ask yourself what activity assists you in feeling Peace or at least in feeling calmer…

For example:

  • Take a walk
  • Take a few conscious breaths
  • Prepare a meal
  • Relax in front of a fire
  • Play a sport
  • Listen to a harmonization
  • Or something else

I invite you to add this activity to your schedule, as an appointment, because it’s the most important appointment there is, the one with yourself!

For my part, even if I arrived home during the night, I’d sit down with my journal in front of a candle and write a few words about what I’d appreciated during the day – even if it was just a stranger who opened the door for me at the grocery store or smiled at me.

I’d take a few deep breaths and watch the flame dance… and that would calm me down enough to go to bed.

In a performance driven society, it can feel like you have to put a lot of effort into solving problems.

What if it were the other way around… what if connecting with the natural rhythm of the Universe meant that we could welcome more grace and ease? At first glance, it sounds utopian… but I invite you to experience it for yourself, without prejudice or expectations.

Are you open to this experience?

If your answer is no, everything’s perfect!
If your answer is yes, everything’s perfect too!

Together, let’s cheer for the experience of Life!
Sylvie xoxo

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