🌻 Sylvie & Bernard, rejuvenation period🌻

15 July, 2024 28 July, 2024


Please note that from July 15 to 28 inclusively, Sylvie & Bernard will be on a week-long rejuvenation period.

During this week of rejuvenation, Sylvie and Bernard will be "disconnecting" from electronic devices to better connect to the Universe.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that Golden Heart Wisdom has a wonderful team to assist you with customer service through various communication channels such as the website, social networks and email. Therefore, whether you need personal assistance, have a technical question, or need help with Golden Heart Wisdom resources, we invite you to contact the team directly at info@goldenheartwisdom.com.



During these rejuvenation weeks, Sylvie & Bernard continue with their scheduled activities for the different groups and programs, but they are unavailable for any other activities.

These periods allow them to settle down, bring their attention to projects in creation, take care of some administrative activities and receive further inspirations.

In addition, they connect with Humanity and its "challenges", harmonize the various planetary issues so that more clarity, fluidity and lightness emerge.

With that, we thank you for your understanding and your precious collaboration.


A wonderful week to all!

The Golden Heart Wisdom Team


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