DATE: February 26th, 2025
HOURS: 1 pm to 2 pm (ET)
LOCATION: Online, on the Zoom platform
Bilingual Webinar (French and English) on the Zoom platform.
Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email. The Zoom link will be emailed to you one month before the event.
Most of the women we come into contact with share that they are slightly to heavily affected by fluctuating hormones.
But what if it could be different? What if you had the opportunity to transcend the effects of hormones and connect to their primary essence, which is to connect us to the Essence of who we really are? What would you say?
Join us for 1 hour of clarity, fluidity and “hormonal” lightness!!!! 🙂
DATE: April 30, 2025
HOURS: 1 pm to 2 pm (ET)
LOCATION: Online, on the Zoom platform
Bilingual Webinar (French and English) on the Zoom platform.
Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email. The Zoom link will be emailed to you one month before the event.
Do you believe that food influences your health, your appearance and your general state of being? Would you like to decode and dissolve decades-old beliefs?
We invite you to join us for this 1-hour webinar during which we’ll connect to the Source of Pure Love that resides in all that exists, including the physical body.
Together, we’ll follow the path of the food on our plate back to its source of conception, to finally free you from the grip of diets, fears and beliefs preventing you from fully appreciating every bite or sip of what enters your body, which is ALREADY a sanctuary for your Essence.
Pricing in Canadian dollars. Taxable depending on your location.
DATE: September 26, 2025
HOURS: 1 pm to 2 pm (ET)
LOCATION: Online, on the Zoom platform
Bilingual Webinar (French and English) on the Zoom platform.
Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email. The Zoom link will be emailed to you one month before the event.
Today’s children are born with a completely different energetic baggage than the majority of adults. They arrive in a much more open and receptive state of consciousness… they welcome change and the speed with which everything in life unfolds with greater flexibility.
However, there are many aspects of current life that don’t make sense to them. We then have the impression that they are reacting and resisting. What if we could meet in a harmonious place, filled with love and compassion… where children and adults alike would have the opportunity to explore an inclusive life together, instead of always pushing away or judging what we don’t understand…does this invitation resonate with you?
If so, join us for this 1-hour webinar in which we’ll address all the uncomfortable situations that create confusion, disharmony and sadness in many families.
DATE: November 12, 2025
HOURS: 1 pm to 2 pm (ET)
LOCATION: Online, on the Zoom platform
Bilingual Webinar (French and English) on the Zoom platform.
Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email. The Zoom link will be emailed to you one month before the event.
Sexuality is an often taboo, secretive and very hidden subject. However, without sexuality, the world could not have grown to welcome new human beings. Religion has long denied the right to a thriving sexuality, so many distortions are associated with it.
Of course, there are many degrees of expression of love through sexuality, depending on the frequency bandwidth in which we gravitate. There are forms of sexuality devoid of contact with the heart. And then there’s the marriage of the heart, which unfolds when two beings unite through their hearts and bodies.
If you’d like to explore this topic with us, we’d be delighted to welcome you to this 1-hour webinar to answer all your questions and share the foundations of sexuality lived from the heart!