Activations of the 6 Universal Codes


Price in Canadian dollars. Taxable depending on your location.

These 6 Universal Codes are naturally present within each human being. However, they sometimes lie «dormant» due to mental archives, crystallized emotions and the different layers of protection from which the ego is comprised of.

Listening to these 6 Activations will have the effect of gently reactivating them, allowing you to experience the Return to the Essence of the Ultimate Lifestyle by welcoming your Essence and reason for Being, Abundance and Opulence, Beauty and Harmony, Lightness and Laughter, and the Joy of Emanating who you truly are.

If you’re experiencing these Activations for the first time, we invite you to listen to them over the course of 6 weeks, listening to one new Code each week, and one Activation per day; to gently reactivate the codes.

This product includes :

   (6) audio recordings;

   (1) .pdf «The 6 Universal Codes».

   (1) .pdf document «DOTERRA Essential Oils in synergy with the Universal Codes» (this additional resource is completely optional and independent to the Activations).

Downloadable product in .zip format.

English only.

Volume: 1.84Mo

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