What would you say to offering your teenager the opportunity to experience heart connection?
As our children embark upon their teenage years and begin preparing for adulthood, they’re often faced with all sorts of challenges, and as parents, we can sometimes feel overwhelmed by all the changes happening at lightning speed. We would love for them to feel at peace, free to be who they are, to be able to blossom and be inspired by their Essence.
As such, with everything going on in the world right now, much like us, they’re bombarded with information and beliefs, whether it’s at school, with their friends, watching television or using their social media networks.
How can we assist and equip them, and still offer them the freedom to explore, as we stand side by side with them?
Golden Heart Wisdom is proposing an online program, A New Beginning for Teens, through which your child would be assisted in exploring all the resources that are already available within them. Whether they’re 13, 14, or 15 years old, they’re already ready to explore the connection to their heart in the various spheres of their life, such as; Self, Friends, Family, Inspirations, Creativity, Health, Money, School, Expansion, Rejuvenation, Home, and Lifestyle.

Presented in the form of a game, with 4 wheels to spin, they’ll have the opportunity to have fun exploring these different spheres, as they free themselves from the mental archives and crystallized emotions that are already in the process of forming, to welcome more clarity, peace, joy, and lightness.
This program also offers them the opportunity to join a virtual space where they can express themselves and exchange with other young people worldwide, aged from 13 to 17, who also want to explore this other way of experiencing life. This space will be bilingual and therefore accessible in French and English. Of course, they will also be assisted by Sylvie Olivier and Bernard Thérien for the duration of the program.
Please note that in order to comply with the laws regarding teenagers, registration for 13 to 15-year-olds must be completed by the parent or legal guardian with prior parental consent, while 16 and 17-year-olds can register on their own. Therefore, registration for the same program is offered in two different formats, depending on the child’s age.

If this program interests you, we invite you to share the invitation with your child or contact us for more information.
We look forward to assisting your teens in exploring life experienced through the heart!
Group calls
(12) 60-minute group calls during which all participants will have the opportunity to exchange with Sylvie & Bernard.
All the group calls will take place on Saturdays from 10 am to 11 am on the following dates:
( Montreal timezone – ET)
January 29 2022
February 26 2022
March 26 2022
April 30 2022
May 28 2022
June 18 2022
July 16 2022
August 20 2022
September 24 2022
October 22 2022
November 19 2022
December 17 2022
Online Membership
A membership exclusively for A New Beginning for Teens participants.
Prosperity Formula Application
This app will allow your teen to have certain awarenesses and then, if they choose to, release blockages that preventing Universal Prosperity from flowing into their life.
Private Facebook Group
A private bilingual Facebook group (French and English) to allow them to exchange with other participants.
Since your child is between 13 and 15 years old, parental authorization is required.
Step 1: We invite you to click on the “Complete Parental Authorization” button above to complete and sign the parental authorization form. Once completed and signed by you and your child, it will be automatically forwarded to Golden Heart Wisdom. If you are having difficulty with the electronic signature, we invite you to print it out, sign it and email it to us at info@goldenheartwisdom.com.
Step 2: When we receive the signed authorization, we will send you a link by email to complete the registration of your teen and create an account for him on the Golden Heart Wisdom website.
Step 3: Once the registration is complete, you and your teen, will receive a registration confirmation email with additional information concerning your program. If you do not receive this email, please check your spam folder.
If you have any questions regarding this pilot program or the registration process, please write to us at info@goldenheartwisdom.com or contact us through Messenger.