Enslaved by linear time?

A proposed alternative
by Sylvie Olivier

Since time is intrinsically linked to space, the mind automatically associates it with every place our physical, mental, and emotional bodies find themselves. Most people feel the speed at which time is passing, and since this speed is constantly increasing, they feel as though they’re in an unrelenting, unsatisfying vortex, getting pulled every which way.

Let’s take a short pause to BREATHE down to the navel, hold for a few moments, then exhale through the mouth with a big sigh. I invite you to repeat this short breathing exercise 2 more times.

And now, I invite you to question this habit of letting yourself be overwhelmed and enslaved by time.

Is it possible to transcend its effect and connect with circular time instead of remaining a prisoner of linear time, which moves at frantic pace or, in some cases, in slow motion?

We often run out of time during our daily activities because we can’t wait for the end of the day, for the weekend, or for a vacation to enjoy life, relax and appreciate or simply rest. Hmmm… by following this path, we can be sure we’ll have very little “time” to LIVE and plenty of time to barely keep your head above water, survive, and hope for better days!!!!

Another situation we regularly encounter is impatience when it comes to the materialization of projects, objectives, or success as such. In this case, we’re talking about the fact that time isn’t moving fast enough to achieve our goals. In short, when we want to speed up the process to make things happen faster, we send a clear message to the Universe through our vibrational signal that we’re out of step with the natural rhythm of the Cycle of Creation. And you know, the Universe finds that very entertaining! ☺

Welcoming and Being at Peace with the natural cycle of each situation or project is not only a guarantee of success by excellence but also offers a daily experience that’s much richer and more vibrant. When we’re PRESENT in body and mind to every thought, action, and experience, time doesn’t simply pass in expectation of something better… we fully appreciate the wholeness of our life, just as it already is!

Recognizing that each situation unfolds in its own way and that each project has its unique Cycle of Creation is so light and fluid! Wanting to force things is the equivalent of wanting a carrot seed to manifest as a vegetable in 2 weeks or for a pregnancy to be complete in 5 months, for example. The required time for each has its reason for being. The distinction is that we know from experience how long it takes for a carrot to be ready to be eaten or for a baby to be born. Such is not the case for our projects.

Take, for example, the new outdoor stations we’re building at the Golden Heart Wisdom Center. We receive the inspirations and then calculate the materials required to complete them. Then we look at a calendar to enter the various stages and draw up a schedule. But then some of the necessary materials aren’t available or are damaged. Or it rains during the planned construction time. Or the human resources to assist Bernard aren’t available. So we’re constantly juggling dates. And so, the “ideal” date may not be met. So, what are our options?

Of course, we would have the choice to be disappointed, frustrated, or discouraged, which could certainly be one option.

However, we choose to accept the situation as it is and be at Peace with it. In doing so, we alter our schedule and dance with the opportunities presented to us, enjoying the experience to its fullest potential!

When we live our daily lives in Plenitude, we appreciate each moment as its highest potential at present; we live our Ultimate Lifestyle at its best. We don’t put ourselves in “waiting” mode for something to happen or manifest to LIVE… we live every minute of our lives and recognize the immense privilege we have to live our human experience.

Have you noticed how linear time is lived in either the past or the future? And when we feel the PRESENT MOMENT unfolding before us, time “stops” and we can fully appreciate the experience at hand?

Could it be that this experience of the PRESENT MOMENT gives us access to circular time?

I often share that eternity is lived in the present moment, because each present moment unveils the next while being totally experienced in Presence, which enriches our experience a hundredfold.

Ahhhh, there’s some food for thought here, isn’t there? Linear time traps us in its web and reproduces a “past & future” continuum in an endless loop… chasing after that single moment when we’ll feel wonderful… after that one moment when we’ve reached the goal that should fulfill and satisfy us entirely!

What if, instead, this precious moment was about recognizing that we always have the opportunity to BREATHE Life and appreciate every little thing, or even the big things, just as they are? What if we brought the energy of vacation into everyday life? You know, when we wake up with peace of mind and joy in our hearts?

Is it possible that by giving our power to linear time, we only live a few precious moments here and there and that the rest of the time, we’re constantly looking for happiness outside ourselves? I’d like to propose a new approach. I invite you to explore the essence of circular time.

But first, let’s take a look at what circular time is.

Circular time encompasses all of our lived experiences, whether past or future, as much as those lived in the PRESENT MOMENT.

Circular time :

  • assists us in feeling the sensations of the Qualities of the Heart.
  • gives us access to the vibration of everyday vacations.
  • offers us the opportunity to co-create vibrant experiences.

Circular time makes no distinction between past, present and future, because it exists only through the awareness of our Presence and Heart.

Instead of dwelling on the past and wishing for a better future, our HEART gives us access to the total Appreciation of our human experience, through the Essence of the Senses.

Why the Essence of the Senses, you ask… and more importantly, what is it?

Most people use their senses on autopilot. They see, hear, smell, taste and feel automatically and mechanically. The mind is in constant judgment of what is. And it’s rare for the mind to be totally satisfied with what it experiences. For it to be satisfied, external conditions have to be right, and as they are ephemeral, they quickly return to a state of dissatisfaction, seeking performance and always MORE.

Whereas the Essence of the Senses connects us to the beauty of Life through our Heart and opens us up to welcome ALL experiences fully, in every moment, in this wonderful circular time!

Everything is more vibrant through the Essence of the Senses: colors, sounds, smells, tastes and sensations of touch are heightened tenfold! We are totally PRESENT to what we are experiencing. The mind is not connecting to a memory to evaluate and compare, or hoping for more to be satisfied.

Head and heart are in perfect harmony! The head receives and decodes all the vibrational signals the heart sends it… it decodes all the Qualities of the Heart, making it possible for us to feel them deeply and thus experience the Joy of Living, Lightness and Wonder!

Connecting with the Heart opens the way to a Life filled with all the resources the Universe has in store for us… it assists us in accessing the Return to the Essence of our Ultimate Lifestyle, which is the nectar sought by all!

Interesting, isn’t it, how we evaluate, compare, work and control with the mind to reach this state of being, when the mere fact of returning to the source, which is the Heart, gives us access to EVERYTHING!

Before completing this article, I’d like to share a tip to assist you in accessing your Ultimate Lifestyle and everything that makes your heart vibrate!

I invite you to do a clarity exercise to assist you in becoming aware of the habits that control your life.

Clarity Exercise

I invite you to write in a journal every evening for 14 days.

At the end of the day, when you feel calm and settled, I invite you to do this breathing exercise.

  • Breathe in through your nose in six counts.
  • Hold the air at your navel for six counts.
  • Exhale through the mouth in one count to release the pressure.
  • Repeat three times.

Next, put a hand over your heart and ask it to show you the day’s situations and the choices you made in response to what happened:

Did you experience frustration, disappointment, discouragement, or another emotion?


Did you feel open and at peace, breathing lightly through the sensations you experienced?

  • Record the situations and your choices in your diary, taking 1 page per day with two columns: 1 column to list the situations and the other to indicate your choices.
  • Once you’ve finished, reread your list and be in Quality of Presence to recognize what you’re feeling.

You may be feeling guilt, blame, anger, or some other kind of emotion. If so, give yourself permission to feel them by breathing deeply. Invite Compassion to join your experience.

If you realize that you’ve chosen instead to welcome and be at Peace with what is… that’s wonderful! I invite you to continue embracing and being in openness on a daily basis!!!!

This exercise will assist you to be more aware of your choices AND to access more and more of a state of being of Plenitude and Abundance!

Whatever you do, remember that EVERYTHING is an experience and that there are no right or wrong ways to live... and above all, you always have a choice!

My heart is full of Appreciation for you and Humanity.
I wish you a wonderful life, every moment of it!

With Love,
Sylvie xoxo

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