As an entrepreneur, your day-to-day life is filled with challenges to overcome that may often be impacted by the limits that you’ve consciously or unconsciously imposed upon yourself, the ceaseless efforts you need to make, expectations that are rarely satisfied, in short, a multitude of situations that would greatly benefit from increased clarity.

By becoming conscious of the patterns that are programmed within you and that create your vibrational signal, you suddenly have the choice to free yourself from them. These patterns actually prevent you from accessing all the resources that are available to you – whether it be love, family, friendship, social, financial, and professional.

This guide presents, in detail, with concrete and scientific notions, what a vibrational signal is, and how to modify it to co-create and experience a life filled with Clarity, Fluidity, Lightness, and Abundance in all its forms.

As you read through this guide, you’ll have the opportunity to recognize certain patterns that are present within you and that create distortion in your vibrational signal.

To pursue your journey of the available resources about the vibrational signal, we invite you to take the Quiz and watch the Video below.


Should you have questions concerning this guide, we invite you to write to us at


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